
This guide will get you all set up and ready to use the Screenshot API. We'll cover how to get started using our API and how to make your first request. We'll also look at where to go next to find all the information you need to take full advantage of our powerful REST API.

Making your first API request

Screenshot API supports both GET and POST HTTP requests.

All requests are sent over HTTPS. HTTPS is a non-negotiable requirement to protect your privacy.

To take a screenshot of a site with a GET HTTP request, send a request to:

GET https://api.capturescreenshotapi.com/take?url=https://fyp.fans&access_key=<access_key>

This takes and returns a screenshot of the given site with the specified options.

If you send a POST HTTP request to take a screenshot, you should specify options as JSON in the body of the request:

POST https://api.capturescreenshotapi.com/take
Content-Type: application/json
    "url": "https://apple.com",
    "access_key": "<access_key>"

Access key

You can specify the access key as part of GET parameters, POST JSON body, or as a header X-Access-Key.


The response format depends on the given options. You might request the API to return an image of PNG type.

The API returns the Content-Type header set according to the relevant MIME type for the requested format in options.

Since the API returns binary data, you can safely put the request URL to Screenshot API directly into the <img> tag:

  alt="A screenshot of apple.com"

What's next?

Great, you're now set up and have made your first request to the Screenshot API. Here are a few links that might be handy as you venture further into using the API:

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